
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

To review the 2024/2025 DV Membership Structure with Associated Fees and Benefits please click on the link below:

2024/25 Diving Victoria Membership Structure and Fees


How to Join:

If you are seeking to join or renew you registration at any of the following Clubs or Programs, please click the name of the Club below and follow the link to complete your registration: 

All other prospective Members, you are in the right place!

Divers are required to become members of Diving Victoria in order to practice and compete in diving related activities in Victoria.

If you are a returning Members from the 2023-24 season (or before), please scroll down and select RETURNING MEMBER (Left Hand Side). You will not need your Member login details to renew your registration.

For all new members joining us for the very first time in 2024/25, please scroll down and click NEW MEMBER.

Family Discounts: Subsequent family member discounts of 15% (2nd Family member) apply to Competitive and Recreational Diver memberships. A 25% discount for any 3rd (or subsequent) immediate Family Member also applies to these Membership categories. The discount will apply to the cheapest membership option selected by each family. To gain access to the 25% discount for 3rd and subsequent Family members please contact the Diving Victoria office (contact details below). 

Regional Diver Discounts: Divers training in country Victoria are eligible for Competitive Diver Membership fee discounts as per the below:

  • 100-399 km to CBD 25% off Competitive Diver membership fee ($240.00)
  • 400+ km to CBD 50% off Competitive Diver membership fee ($160.00)

Please contact to obtain a discount code prior to registration.


  • Memberships must be processed and paid via the online portal - Merchant Fees Not Included in Prices
  • MSAC & AQUANATION POOL USERS:  A membership with Diving Victoria is a requirement for any diving activities at MSAC and any club-based activities at AQUANATION. 
  • MSAC & AQUANATION POOL USERS: Please note that these fees do NOT include pool entry. AQUANATION memberships/pool entry must be arranged directly with Aquanation. MSAC pool entry is covered by clubs.
  • Divers may upgrade their membership directly via the online portal. Upgrades may be processed at any time by logging into your Member account and selecting UPGRADE.

If you have any questions or require assistance in processing your registration, please contact the Diving Victoria Office on (03) 9686 7534 or via email to: