
MSAC Seating Upgrade

Published Fri 29 Mar 2019

On the 1st April works will begin in the Indoor Pool to replace the grandstand retractable and fixed seating. This will offer an improved experience for swimming and diving spectators. The key dates for the project are as follows:

  • Monday 1st April - hoarding erected and works begin
  • Friday 19th April - Fixed seating section open
  • Friday 17th May - works completed and all areas opened

The works area will be hoarded off to keep the public safe, please refer to the map below that shows the work area. Staff and pubic are not permitted to access this area.




For the duration of the works, MSAC will close the walkway to the rear of the grandstand to provide appropriate space for the works to be completed. Please follow directions from staff in regards to pathways.


Those of you seeking to access the cafe from aquatic reception should be provided access to the rear competition corridor during this time. To access the multi deck carpark from the lakeside of the venue, please use the grandstand stairwell up to Level 2 and past the Wellness Zone.


There will be some noise at times as there will be grinding and drilling and MSAC apologises for any inconvenience this causes.



